Concept of Ethereum Image Service (EIS)
What Ethereum Image Service (EIS) is
EIS is a canvas that lives in the sky.
Imagine that the whole world’s creations are stored in one space, and anyone can remix them. The more artworks are stored in EIS, the more remixable they become; we call this the network effect. The flywheel will start to jump up, then reach the astrosphere, and the public canvas will unlock the limit of human creativity. Additionally, EIS encourages artists to make public domains while they earn profit with EIS’s revenue streaming; that is precisely what blockchain technology can do.
CC0 is Public Goods
CC0 is a dedication of a work to the public domain. It is often mistakenly referred to as a license because it does affect the copyright to the work. But while a license describes what the rightsholder permits you to do, the CC0 dedication releases all rights so that no one is a rightsholder and the work belongs to the public. When you use CC0, you are releasing all rights under copyright and stating that you do not wish to have any control over the rights to the work—that the work is free for all uses by anyone.
A public good (also referred to as a social good or collective good)is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous. Use by one person neither prevents access by other people, nor does it reduce availability to others. Therefore, the good can be used simultaneously by more than one person.

CC0 artworks are public goods because their copyrights are waived, making them non-exclusive and available for anyone to use. Blockchain technology can enable the monetization of public goods providers. This is something we have learned from blockchain itself, as well as from examples like Uniswap and Nouns.
Infinite Remixability
SVGs offer infinite remixability to creators. Key advantages:

  1. Scalability – Vector images are resolution-independent and can scale to any dimension without losing quality. Browsers just recalculate the math behind the image so there is no distortion. Raster images on the other hand lose their resolution when enlarged because their small pixels are forced to expand beyond their original size.
  2. Easily editable – Editing an SVG is as easy as changing the coordinates or a word in a text editor or coding the SVG onto your webpage and altering it with JavaScript or CSS. You can also use popular vector graphics editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and Sketch.
  3. Compact file-size – Pixel-based images are saved at a large size from the start because you can only retain the quality when you make the image smaller, but not when you make it larger. This can impact a site’s download speed. Since SVGs are scalable, they can be saved at a minimal file size.


SVGs are ideal for illustrations like logos, icons, and graphs, making them suitable for fully on-chain artwork and asynchronous collaboration among creators. EIS promotes the creation of diverse artworks through these advantages.
Revenue Streaming
A crucial aspect of CC0 NFT is that more propagated artwork captures value. Propagation includes SNS virality and derivative creations, facilitated by blockchain technology. EIS supports this by enabling such artwork to earn revenue through revenue streaming. Creators of well-propagated artwork will profit from derivative NFT minting.
Ethereum Image Service (EIS) represents a revolutionary platform that harnesses the power of blockchain technology to foster creativity and collaboration. By enabling artists to store and share their works as public goods, EIS unlocks infinite possibilities for remixing and revenue generation. The combination of SVG's scalability and editability with the principles of CC0 creates a dynamic ecosystem where art and innovation thrive. EIS is not just a tool for artists; it’s a movement towards a more open, collaborative, and creative future.